Wholesale Pumpkins
Polter’s Berry Farm grows about 200 acres of wholesale pumpkins each year. 100% of our pumpkins are sold wholesale to customers all over the eastern United States. We specialize in serving farm markets, fall festivals, agri-tainment farms, and garden centers. We carry a full line of fall items in addition to pumpkins that can complete your display.
We plant several different varieties including Zeus, Kratos, Cronus, Olympus, Adonis, and Field Trip. Our pumpkins range in size from 3-6 lbs for pie pumpkins to 15-45 lbs for Jack O’ lanterns. We also offer white pumpkins(Blanco), Heirloom mix, various fall items including gourds, mini pumpkins, Indian corn, corn stalks.

Cronus- Our largest Jack O’Lantern, known for its impressive long dark handle. (22-35lbs)

Kratos- Our most widely planted Jack O’lantern has very uniform shape and a stem that is hard to break. 18-25lbs

Zeus- Medium size pumpkin with beautiful color and stems 14-20 lbs

Olympus- An X-Large Jack O’Lantern (22-40 lbs) similar to Cronus.

Adonis – a large upright Jack O’Lantern (22-40 lbs) with very long stem.

Mini Pumpkins -(also known as Jack Be Littles) We plant the Gold Speck variety.

Spark – A JBL type that’s yellow with orange stripes

Fireball – a 6-7 lb decorative pumpkin with a nice handle

Gourd Mix- Autumn Wings and Galaxy of Stars are mixed. We can pack these in 1 1/9th Bu boxes or 36″ bins.

Lil Pumpkemon- These are about 1.5 lbs

Warty Gnome (4-6 lbs)

HM Clause Experiment Variety -This one is in our trial field. We won’t have many to sell of this one.

Blanco , A really nice white pumpkin, 6-9 lbs Holds its white color well

Warty Goblin – A warty Jack O’Lantern with green warts 12-20 lbs

Field Trip- Our main Pie Pumpkin, some still refer to these as sugar pumpkins. This one has a long handle and usually weighs 4-6 lbs.
No-till Production
We plant our pumpkins into cereal rye which was planted the previous fall. The rye is rolled down immediately ahead of the planter giving the pumpkins a carpet of rye to lie on instead of dirt. This no-till system allows us to produce pumpkins as clean as can be. We also follow an intensive spray program to assure our customers of a product that is disease free.

This is our planter with a roller on the front that we built ourselves. We plant when the rye is just starting to pollinate and follow it with herbicide.
Weekly sprays start around the end of July to control fungal, bacterial and insect pathogens.

Our 40 man harvest team is split into 3 crews. The first crew cuts the stems, then a second crew lines the pumpkins with the assistance of a conveyor and finally the loading crew packs them into bins.